Pennsylvania Association of Public Safety Instructors
Technology including Cybersecurity
Because technology plays such a large role in all areas of public safety, we have included it as a separate area for content ideas to be incorporated into training and education. Here we do not include technology as a technique for transferring ideas and skills for trainees. For this use of technology, see Training Techniques, Lessons and Ideas.
1. Protect Your School with a Click of an APP
This app from the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) allows you do conduct a physical assessment of your campus. It takes you step by step through your school to identify and address problem spots. This can also be used as a training tool.
2. Developing a Cyberattack Curriculum To Improve Emergency Response
A pilot version of a new course was offered for the first time in January to Utah's state government. The course is meant to provide a better understanding of how traditional emergency operations staff, and their IT counterparts, can most effectively work together in the event that a cyber attack harms critical infrastructure, or has other physical consequences. The developers (Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service, or TEEX) contend that "the connection between the IT folks and the emergency operation center folks, or emergency management folks, doesn’t happen on a consistent basis.” TEEX is part of the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium, a partnership among five universities. The consortium looks to provide research-based training, exercises and technical assistance, related to cybersecurity, to local governments, states and private industry. In 2014, the Federal Emergency Management Agency awarded the group a grant to develop the recently-piloted course. TEEX took the lead putting together the curriculum.Titled “Cybersecurity Incident Management and Response,” the course is 24 hours and is spread out over three days. Read more....
3. Helps First Responders Help ID Theft Victims
By Nat Wood, Associate Director, Division of Consumer & Business Education, Federal Trade Commission
This article overlaps several of our key topic areas. It definitely involves technology but also cross disciplinary cooperation and community policing. offers immediate help to victims, aids law enforcement, and can be part of a community policing initiative that can help build community trust. Read more...
Developing a Cyberattack Curriculum toImprove Emergency Response