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On-Going Training Opportunities: The following are training and learning opportunities that are offered on varying dates and in different locations. They are opportunities that have the potential to be useful for many of the members of PAPSI and other in the instructor field.






1.Free Teacher Academy Featuring Microsoft Solutions for the Classroom -Various locations and dates

Teacher Academies offer educators an opportunity to choose from a selection of twelve impactful topics that support teaching and learning in the classroom using Microsoft tools. Topics include best practice applications for Windows 8, OneNote and Office 365. 



This is a webinar designed primarily for administrators and instructors in working in the career and technical programs. It was recorded on February 17, 2016. You'll notice that there was some technical difficulties at the start of the recording, but the remainder of the video is without issue and information-packed. Follow the link for a copy of this webinar's slide deck and the handouts mentioned on the webinar:

Alisha Hyslop, the Director of Public Policy for the Association for Career Technical Education, will provide a multi-faceted overview of key policies and programs that directly and indirectly affect the implementation of college and career pathways, including the Every Student Succeeds Act, the Perkins Career Technical Education Act, and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Hans Meeder, President of NC3T and former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Education,  hosts and facilitates the webinar.This webinar is the tenth in a series covering aspects of NC3T's Pathways System Framework™ with a special focus on Pathway Programs of Study.


2.National Institute of Correction's Academy to Launch Training Administrators Network (TAN)

On May 16-17, 2017 NIC's Academy Division, Learning and Performance Initiative will launch the Training Administrators Network (TAN). Purposes include:  meeting and sharing problems and solutions with other training administrators, and collaborating with NIC on bringing the latest learning and performance research and application to the field of corrections training. The link to the announcement is here.



Online courses supporting instructors:


Finding True North - Role of the Navigator 

A free self-paced course that introduces participants to the skills, knowledge, and characteristics of effective navigators. The course identifies the types of supports adult learners need to be truly prepared for college and careers and introduces the core functions and responsibilities of a navigator, such as coordinating and providing services that supplement academic instruction, which have been found to aid student persistence and success.The course also introduces core competencies of effective navigators, advising approaches and styles, and Navigator program design elements to consider.

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