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PAPSI Leadership and Organization

PAPSI has been organized along regional lines with a board of directors to oversee the organization and develop its bi-annual plan and objectives based on input from the members.
Our PAPSI Board has the following members:
Joseph Coffee - Secretary and Interim President
570-549-2210, 571-488-8986 (cell)
Director, Research and Project Development
National Partnership for Careers in Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Vickie Martin - Vice-President
717-872-4688 ext 234
Lancaster EMS/PA College of H.S.
Lancaster, PA
Robert Cooper - Treasurer
Troy, PA
Steven Henry,Jr. - Past president


717-278-8732 Mobile

Berks Career and Technology Center 
All regional directors serve as full voting PAPSI Board members.
Those interested in a regional director position may contact Joe Coffee or Deb Currinder

Region 1 Director - Vacant

(Region 1: Clarion, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, McKean, Mercer, Venango, Warren)


Region 2 Director - Vacant

(Region 2: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Washington and Westmoreland)


Region 3 Director - Vacant

(Region 3: Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Clearfield, Fulton, Huntington, Somerset, Juniata, Indiana, and Mifflin)


Region 4 Director - Deborah Currinder

570-584-2300, 570-506-5951 (cell)

Instructor, Criminal Justice, Police Science and EMT

Lycoming Career and Technical Center, and Bucks County CC

Hughesville, PA

(Region 4: Bradford, Clinton, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Potter, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga, and Union)


Region 5 Director - Vickie Martin
717-872-4688 ext 234
Lancaster EMS/PA College of H.S.
Lancaster, PA

(Region 5: Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Perry, Lebanon, and York)


Region 6 Director - Joe Lakkis

Law Enforcement Instructor

Wilkes-Barre Area Career and Technical Center

Plains, PA

(Region 6: Carbon, Lackawanna, Pike, Luzerne County, Monroe, Schuylkill, Wayne, Wyoming, Susquehanna)


Region 7 Director - Vacant

(Region 7: Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Bucks, and Philadelphia)



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